Basic Bread #1


This is a basic Italian style loaf which is very high hydration and relatively quick to cook.

Can be eaten fresh or toasted and refreshed.

Basic process is:

  1. Revive the yeast by mixing yeast, water with pinches of flour and sugar

  2. Stir yeast mixture into the bulk of the flour & salt until a soft but cohesive dough forms

  3. Knead dough for approximately 5 minutes (preferably with a stand mixer\thermomix)

  4. Allow to rise for 30 minutes (or until doubled)

  5. Knock back and form into loaf, allow a second rise for 15-30 minutes (or until doubled)

  6. Bake at 240c for 25 minutes


  • If kneading by hand the dough will be very sticky. Dust surfaces and hands with flour, this will not substantially affect the final bread.


  • 500g plain flour + Additional pinches to feed yeast & knead

  • 10g salt

  • 300ml warm water

  • 2tsp (6g) instant yeast

  • Pinch of sugar


  • Add Olives

    1. Take pitted olives, dice to size preference

    2. slowly knead into the dough mixture at step 3, and allow to rise as usual.


Basic Pizza Dough #1